PSG Application Submission Step-By-Step Guide

PSG Application Submission Step-By-Step Guide


What is the PSG Grant?

The PSG grant is an initiative by the Singapore government to encourage businesses to adopt new digital solutions and equipment to enhance business solutions. 

The PSG is a grant that covers the "actual purchase/lease/hire cost of the pre-approved equipment or pre-approved IT solution package is supportable. This excludes other related administrative fees/charges, e.g. delivery fees, installation." The duration of these services must last for at least one year.

The PSG applies across multiple industries such as F&B, retail, logistics, precision engineering, construction and more. The PSG also supports cross-industry solutions such as "customer management, data analytics, financial management and inventory tracking."

Your business could receive up to 80% of the cost of a new solution.

8 Steps to Complete PSG Application Submission

Completing your application submission can be completed in 8 simple steps:
1. Logging in
2. Select business sector and grant type
3. Eligibility
4. Contact details
5. Proposal
6. Cost
7. Business impact
8. Declare and submit

Step 1: Logging In 

Click the 'My Grants' tab
Click on 'Get new grant'

Step 2: Select business sector and grant type

Select the sector that best describes your business

Click on ‘Upgrade key business areas, such as adopt technology, improve business processes or raise service standards’

Select on ‘Pre-scoped Productivity Solutions’

Step 3: Eligibility 

Click 'Yes' if your business meets the below eligibility criteria:

1. Be registered/incorporated in Singapore

2. Have at least 30% local shareholders

3. Your business' annual sales turnover should not exceed SG$100 million, or should not surpass 200 employees

4. The purchase/lease/subscription for the IT solution or equipment must be utilized within Singapore

5. Must not have made any payment to the vendor/supplier in relation to the purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solution or equipment

6. Must not have signed any contract with the vendor/supplier in relation to the purchase/lease/subscription of the IT solution or equipment

7. Must not be any of the following: Charities, Institutions of Public Characters (IPCs), a religious entity, Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWO),  Government agencies and subsidiaries

Step 4: Contact details

Fill in details of the main contact person

Fill in details of the Letter of Offer addressee

Step 5: Proposal   

Select 'equipment' or 'IT Solution'

Select vendor and fill in details of equipment/IT solution
Click ‘Select Files’ to upload vendor quotation

Fill in your deployment location

Step 6: Cost

Fill in project cost details

Step 7: Business Impact

Complete details of overall impact
Fill in details of productivity gains

Step 8: Declare and Submit

Complete the declaration section
Where applicable, indicate your consent and acknowledgement

Review your application and click ‘Submit’

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