4 Non-Food F&B Trends That You Should Be Savvy To
We help you stay on top of the F&B trends that don’t involve food

Your restaurant needs to stand out and have a presence. Bill Kohl, principal at Greenwood Hospitality Group says that it is imperative to [1]“Give your F&B outlet individual personality.” A restaurant that simply blends in with all the rest does not catch the eye or seem likely to offer a unique experience. It is no longer enough to just serve good food, people want to dine somewhere with its own unique flavour, which enriches the dining experience and environment.
Know Your Ingredients
Your restaurant should be able to show off its ingredients in a way that’s open and transparent. Better yet, ingredients should be a selling point. According to Khol, [2]“Just in the last five years we’ve seen a more knowledgeable diner, someone who wants to know the story of their food.” Because of this recent trend, staff should be trained to understand where ingredients come from, how they are prepped and should have the skill to deliver that information in a way that’s appealing to customers.
Do You Deliver?
People are lazy. Oftentimes walking to a restaurant is too much of a chore, so people opt to order online and have food delivered to them. This concept of convenient food is a growing trend that is steadily growing. Several food courier companies have been set up and pair with restaurants so that they can help you to deliver your food to the customers who prefer to eat in the comfort of their own homes. If you have your own delivery service, check to see how long it takes for your restaurant to deliver versus the delivery times of the nearest and most popular food delivery companies. If the difference is substantial, it might be a good option to partner with your local food delivery company to reduce delivery times.
Snazzy Drinks
Beverages often yield the highest margins for restaurants anyway, and now is your chance to truly cash in. Diners are in the market for unique drinking experiences with their meals. Be it a pairing menu, signature cocktails or even just season drinks, it’s important to have something unique for diners to wet their palette with. It’s also important for staff to understand what’s in each drink and what makes it special. According to Kohl, [3]“It’s important for us to have the product and know its story—how did it originate, what makes it different and special?”
[1] http://www.hotelnewsnow.com/Articles/26923/FandB-trends-arent-all-about-food
[2] http://www.hotelnewsnow.com/Articles/26923/FandB-trends-arent-all-about-food
[3] http://www.hotelnewsnow.com/Articles/26923/FandB-trends-arent-all-about-food