Delivery and Takeaway Could Rescue Hong Kong's F&B Industry as Strong New COVID-19 Restrictions Set for July 15th, 2020

Delivery and Takeaway Could Rescue Hong Kong's F&B Industry as Strong New COVID-19 Restrictions Set for July 15th, 2020


COVID-19 Back on the Rise in Hong Kong

With a surge in local Hong Kong Coronavirus cases emerging over the last few weeks, the government is set to enforce strict, new measures to ensure the virus doesn't gain more traction. It is believed that the increase in cases is in direct correlation to the easing of control and preventive measures designed "to revive the economy and let residents resume normal lives." 

Strict, New Restrictions for Hong Kong F&B Businesses

Twelve types of Hong Kong businesses - like gyms, beauty salons, cinemas and bars - will be forced into a mandatory week-long shutdown starting from Wednesday (15th July, 2020). Restaurants and eateries will be allowed to remain open, but will face a reduction in operating hours and in capacity. The new measure states that restaurants must remain closed between 6:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. Only delivery and takeaways will be allowed during that period. Restaurant capacity is likely to be affected as the maximum number of people seated at a table is limited to four. 

Full List of New Hong Kong Government Restrictions:

1. Masks mandatory for all public transport passengers

2. Ban on dine-in restaurants from 6pm-5am. Only 4 customers allowed per table

3. Week-long closure of 12 types of HK businesses 

4. Public gatherings reduced to groups of 4

5. Passengers from high-risk countries must produce test results proving they are free of Coronavirus before they board flights for Hong Kong

Delivery and Takeaway Allow F&B Businesses to Keep Running and Making Money

With restaurants running at lower table capacity and reduced hours, takeaway and delivery are the only viable options for restaurant owners to keep revenue flowing. Hong Kongers, as a whole, enjoy buying food from restaurants with a government survey in 2015 showing that "over 80% of persons aged 15 or above reported eating out (including breakfast, lunch and dinner as a whole) at least once a week. Analysed by age group, 65% of persons aged 15 to 34 reported that they ate out for lunch 5 times or more a week."

With clear demand but restaurants forced to shut early, many Hong Kongers will turn to delivery in order to enjoy their favorite meals. We saw this trend earlier in the year when "Foodpanda, owned by German outfit Delivery Hero SE, reported an 80 per cent increase in demand over the Lunar New Year holiday period." 

By building an online presence and integrating food delivery with your POS system, your F&B business gains the unique opportunity to benefit from multiple revenue streams. When restaurant operating hours return to normal, your regular customers may return, but your restaurant will also have gained a new customer base who prefer the convenience of takeaway or delivery options. Investing in delivery now is not only imperative for the survival of restaurant businesses during the Coronavirus period, but is also the way forward for restaurants in the future. 

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