5 Hong Kong Companies Celebrated at Food's Future Summit

5 Hong Kong Companies Celebrated at Food's Future Summit

The 2019 Food's Future Summit took place in October and aimed to shed light on important problems facing the world's food industry through the use of innovative tech solutions. The main issues highlighted in this summit include [1] What will we be eating in the future, how will our dining experience change and how do we create a sustainable food cycle? With the world's population growing at a rapid pace, [2] "we may only be able to feed half of 2050's population at current food production rates." The summit also focused on food innovations that improved food quality and/or made innovations to how food impacts the lives of consumers.

With these questions and dilemmas in mind, the summit invited startups to share their innovative solutions to these problems.Here is our list that celebrates 5 of our favorite, forward-thinking Hong Kong companies from the summit.

1. Alchemy Foodtech

Alchemy Foodtech has created an impressive new product called 5ibrePlus™, which is designed specifically with diabetes in mind. It is a food composite that lowers the glycemic index (GI) of food items like rice and bread. This technology helps to decrease the chances of contracting diabetes while allowing consumers to eat our favorite comfort foods with no compromise to taste and flavour. 

2. Avant Meats

Avant Meats is focused on decreasing the impact we have on our oceans when we consume seafood. They specialize in creating cell-based fish. Using this method, Avant Meats is able to reduce the ecological damage and footprint of producing fish since their product doesn't require fish to be caught, grown or slaughtered. Their cell-based technology lets them cultivate the highest-quality fish for the most premium and environmentally healthy product. 

3. Geb Impact Technology 

Geb Impact Technology is focused on growing beneficial microalgae that is used in products ranging from skincare to food supplements. Their focus on cultivating microalgae is actually extremely beneficial as microalgae grow at an incredibly quick rate, while requiring almost zero carbon footprint to farm. With sunlight and some nutrients, microalgae are able to flourish, which makes them an ideal food source given our planet's finite resources. With the added benefit of being nutritionally beneficial for consumption, it's little wonder why microalgae could be the way forward. 

4.  HakkoBako

HakkoBako is making the science of fermentation accessible and consistent. While it's easy enough to ferment simple fruits and veggies into jams or pickles, doing the same for yoghurts, miso or even beer is often far trickier. The product that HakkoBako is working on [4] "tracks and controls temperature and humidity and is aimed at food service/catering companies, food factories and restaurants." The reason this technology is so cool is because it makes the often inconsistent results of fermentation far easier to control and replicate, which is extremely useful in mass-production scenarios. 

5. Green Monday

Green Monday is a company that focuses heavily on tackling climate change and global food insecurity. In their own words, [5] "through our vegetarian promotion and food rescue initiatives, we are a platform that enables corporations, restaurants, schools, and the general public to join efforts in reducing our carbon footprint and performing our social and environmental responsibilities." The company has two different approaches to saving the planet. [6] "The social side, under Green Monday Foundation, drives advocacy campaigns to raise awareness, hence creating a demand for a green lifestyle, while the venture side takes an active role in the market to increase supply of green choices by way of food retail & distribution, corporate consulting, and impact investing."

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[1] https://www.foods-future.com/summit-about

[2] https://www.foods-future.com/summit-about

[3] https://www.foods-future.com/summit-about

[4] https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/the-5-best-food-tech-startups-at-foods-future-summit-2/

[5] https://greenmonday.org/about-us/

[6] https://greenmonday.org/about-us/

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