Social Media for Restaurants: How to Attract More Customers and Boost Sales

Social Media for Restaurants: How to Attract More Customers and Boost Sales


Why Your Restaurant Needs Social Media Outreach

There’s no denying the simple fact that every company needs to have a solid social media presence so that they are visible to their target demographic. While many have a preconceived notion of social media being used solely by millennials, this actually isn’t always the case at all. In order to reach your customers effectively, take a look at the following figures to see which social media platforms are the most ideal for your business to list on:


      Monthly active users: 2.7 billion
Largest age group: 25-34 (26.3%)
Time spent per day: 38 minutes


Monthly active users: 1 billion
Largest age group: 25-34 (33.1%)
Time spent per day: 29 minutes


Daily users: 187 million
Largest age group: 30-49 (44%)
Time spent per day/week: 3.53 minutes per session


Total number of users: 738 million
Largest age group: 46-55
63% of LinkedIn users access the network monthly, and 22% weekly.

As we can see, Twitter and LinkedIn’s largest age group is definitely not millennials. Even for platforms like Facebook and Instagram, though their largest demographic may be millennials, these platforms still have a user base with a wide variety of age ranges. This means that having social media presence across a wide variety of platforms is key for F&B businesses to extend their reach to potential customers across the age spectrum. 

You can also focus heavily on the platforms that suit your business most. For example, if you’re a fine-dining, table-service restaurant, advertising on LinkedIn or Twitter might yield better results. Meanwhile, if you are running a hip, new fast food restaurant, you may wish to focus on platforms like Facebook and Instagram where the average user is younger in age. 

Key Stats: How Does Social Media Directly Impact Restaurants?

1. 71% of customers will likely recommend your restaurant if they get quick responses on social media
2. 99% of Gen Z and millennials are likely to use social media to select a restaurant
3. if you want high ratings, keep in mind that restaurant guests leave the highest ratings on Facebook than any other platform
4.     On social media, quick-serve businesses get the most mentions with 57% in total
5. To up brand awareness, F&B brands are mentioned the most on Twitter.
6. Fast food brands excel on Instagram compared to other social media platforms.
7. Nearly 50% of diners have visited a restaurant for the first time because of a social media post.
8. Client spend increased by 40% or more for restaurants that engaged actively with followers on social media

Basic Tips for Improving Your Restaurant’s Social Media Presence

Display Names and Handles – Make sure your display name and social media handle is the same across all your social media accounts so that customers do not get confused by finding multiple accounts for the same business. 

Photo style – Keep your profile photos the same between all your accounts. You should also make sure to use a consistent style of images throughout your social media platforms to give your company a distinct personality and feel. 

URLs – Make sure your restaurant name is in your URL, and make sure said URL is listed across all your social media accounts.

Themes and ideas – You should have a restaurant vision, mission and story. Try and use key themes from all of these in your social media accounts so people know what your restaurant business is all about.

Color Schemes – stick with your color schemes across all social media platforms. Using different colors will result in a confused brand identity and make your business less-memorable. 

Font – keep one font for all your content, if possible. 

Types of Content

There are many kinds of social media marketing types but these three are the most popular:
Words (27%)
Video (26%)
Images (24%)
Your content should have an even spread of words, videos and images since each of these mediums appeals to different groups and can spread awareness of your F&B business even more. 

When you create new content, you should aim to start by posting on social media at least three times a week. You can certainly do more than that, but thrice a week is a good starting point. 

Build Brand Loyalty

By having a solid presence on social media, your restaurant will be able to give customers an understanding of what the business is about, while also showcasing the identity, values and unique points that make your restaurant stand out from the crowd. Interacting with customers regularly and making them feel like they are valued is a surefire way to build brand loyalty, which can result in repeat customers, positive public feedback on social media, higher spend amounts and recommendations to friends. 

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